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Deferring queries

Say you have a query that takes a long time to resolve. You want to put it in the loader, to co-locate it with the rest of your queries, but you don't want it to affect the loading state and postpone the initial load of the component. This is where deferredQueries comes in.


const loader = createLoader({
useQueries: () => {
const importantQuery = useImportantQuery();
const slowQuery = useSlowQuery();

return {
queries: {
deferredQueries: {
transform: (loader) => ({
important:, // ImportantQueryResponse
slow:, // SlowQueryResponse | undefined
Deferred queries timeline


New in version 1.0.3

You can pass a Config to your Loaders:

const loader = createLoader({
useQueries: () => ({...}),
onError: () => (...),
config: {
deferred: {
shouldThrowError: true,
  • shouldThrowError - Determines whether or not deferredQueries should send the component to the onError view if one of the deferred queries end up in a error state.