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Custom loaderComponent

A loaderComponent is the component that determines what to render given the aggregated query status, when using withLoader.

loaderComponent Props
export type CustomLoaderProps<T = unknown> = {
/** The joined query for the loader */
query: UseQueryResult<T>;
/** What the loader requests be rendered when data is available */
onSuccess: (data: T) => React.ReactElement;
/** What the loader requests be rendered when the query fails */
onError?: (
error: SerializedError | FetchBaseQueryError
) => JSX.Element;
/** What the loader requests be rendered while loading data */
onLoading?: React.ReactElement;
/** What the loader requests be rendered while fetching data */
onFetching?: React.ReactElement;
/** What the loader requests be rendered while fetching data */
whileFetching?: {
/** Should be appended to the success result while fetching */
append?: React.ReactElement;
/** Should be prepended to the success result while fetching */
prepend?: React.ReactElement;

This is what the default loaderComponent looks like:

import { SerializedError } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import * as React from "react";
import { CustomLoaderProps } from "./types";

export function RTKLoader<T>(
props: CustomLoaderProps<T>
): React.ReactElement {
const shouldLoad =
props.query.isLoading || props.query.isUninitialized;
const hasError = props.query.isError && props.query.error;
const isFetching = props.query.isFetching;

if (shouldLoad) {
return props.onLoading ?? <React.Fragment />;

if (hasError) {
return (
props.onError?.(props.query.error as SerializedError) ?? (
<React.Fragment />

if (isFetching && props.onFetching) {
return props.onFetching;

if ( !== undefined) {
const prepend = isFetching
? props.whileFetching?.prepend ?? null
: null;
const append = isFetching
? props.whileFetching?.append ?? null
: null;
const componentWithData = props.onSuccess(;

return (

return <React.Fragment />;

You could pass a custom loaderComponent to your loaders, if you'd like:

const CustomLoader = (props: CustomLoaderProps) => {
// Handle rendering

const loader = createLoader({
loaderComponent: CustomLoader,
// ...

This allows you to have really fine control over how the rendering of components using withLoader should work.